Question Detail Synonym of Impetuous pleasingcircumspectresourcefulreflectiverash Answer: Option EExplanation:Impetuous meaning in hindi is अविवेकी Similar Questions : 1. Synonym of Slake agitateerasedisappointquench Answer: Option DExplanation:Slake meaning in hindi is प्यास बुझाना 2. Synonym of Ostentatious moderateplainshowynoisy Answer: Option CExplanation:Ostentatious meaning in hindi- दिखावटी 3. Synonym of Parasite a loss of motionblessingdiseaseone that clings Answer: Option DExplanation:Parasite meaning in hindi- परजीवी 4. Synonym of FANATICAL AutocratCleverOpen MindedNarrow minded Answer: Option DExplanation:FANATICAL meaning in Hindi : कट्टरता 5. Synonym of DESPICABLE BlessingShamelessShamefulRuin Answer: Option BExplanation:DESPICABLE meaning in Hindi : घृणित Read more from - Synonyms Questions Answers