Question Detail Structures can be used to hold different datatypeshave pointers to structuresto assign to one anotherall of above Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Due to variable scope in c Variables created in a function cannot be used another functionVariables created in a function can be used in another functionVariables created in a function can only be used in the main functionNone of above Answer: Option A 2. Which of the following below is/are valid C keywords integerintnullnone of above Answer: Option B 3. Disadvantage of array in C is We can easily access each elementIt is necessary to declare too many variablesIt can store only one similar type of dataNone of above Answer: Option C 4. What will be the output of following program #include main() { int x,y = 10; x = y * NULL; printf(\"%d\",x); } error010Garbage value Answer: Option B 5. UML meaning is Unique modeling languageUnified modeling languageUnified modern languageUnified master laqnguage Answer: Option B Read more from - C Programming Questions Answers - Chapter 1