Question Detail Stack unwinding deals with deals with polymorphismdeals with inheritancedeals with exception handingdeals with classes Answer: Option C Ad Similar Questions : 1. Which is not C++ storage class autoregisterstaticiostream Answer: Option DExplanation:Storage classes are: auto register static extern 2. What is getline() in c++ getline() extract the delimeter newline character from the input streamgetline() does not extract the delimeter newline character from the input streamNone of above Answer: Option A 3. ios::ate is used for Set the initial position at the start of the file Set the last position at the end of the fileSet the initial position at the end of the fileSet the last position at the start of the file Answer: Option C 4. Which is not a correct variable type floatintdoublereal Answer: Option D 5. Dereference operator is also called as pointerReference operatorOffset operatorDeoffset operator Answer: Option C Read more from - C++ Programming Questions Answers - Chapter 1