Question Detail Spotting Errors in English Hardly had I left the collegethan it beganto error Answer: Option CExplanation:Use 'When' in place of ' than'. Ad Similar Questions : 1. Spotting Errors in English The number of people applying were so largethat the company had tostop issuing job application error Answer: Option BExplanation:Use- 'was' in place of ' were'. 2. Spotting Errors in English Up to the time the last vote was recordedit was difficultto decide whether victory lay with the ruling partyor the error Answer: Option CExplanation:use lied in place of lay 3. Spelling test - find correct spelling : DaibitesDiabitesDaibetesDiabetes Answer: Option D 4. Spotting errors in English Developmental activities ofthe government cometo a standstill dueto paucity of funds. Answer: Option BExplanation:Correct : Developmental activities of the government have came to a standstill due to paucity of funds. Replace "come" with "have came" in option B 5. Spotting Errors in English Surekha was trying for admission in the Engineering college even though her parents wantedher to do something error Answer: Option CExplanation:Use- 'Had wanted' in place of 'wanted'. Read more from - Spotting Errors Questions Answers