Question Detail Spotting Errors in English My father and my brother isinterested in error Answer: Option BExplanation:Use-'Are' in place of 'is'. Similar Questions : 1. Spotting Errors in English For expecting the company to payfor the billof the personal mobile expense of the employeewas not fair. no error Answer: Option AExplanation:Use 'To expect' in place of ' for expecting'. 2. Spotting Errors in English He hoped to finishthe task in the last monthbut in facthe could error Answer: Option AExplanation:Use 'He had hoped' in place of ' he hoped'. 3. Spotting Errors in English In spite of the late hourand the bad weatherwe decided to go to office due to some error Answer: Option AExplanation:Use- 'Despite' in place of 'in spite of '. 4. Spelling test - find correct spelling : ExonarationExsonerationExonerationExoniration Answer: Option CExplanation:Exoneration meaning in Hindi : दोषमुक्ति 5. Spotting Errors in English There are so many filthsall around in this garden. no error Answer: Option AExplanation:Use 'There is so much filth' in place of 'there are so many filths'. Read more from - Spotting Errors Questions Answers