Spelling Test Questions Answers

  • 57. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Misterious
    2. Mysterous
    3. Mystreious
    4. Mysterious
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option D


    Mysterious meaning in Hindi : रहस्यपूर्ण

  • 58. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Maleficent
    2. Malefecent
    3. Malificent
    4. Maleficeant
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option A


    Maleficent meaning harmful or evil in intent or effect.

  • 59. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Mauseleum
    2. Moausoleum
    3. Mausoleum
    4. Maousoleum
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C


    Mausoleum meaning in Hindi : समाधि, मक़बरा

  • 60. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Moustach
    2. Moustcahe
    3. Moustache
    4. Muostache
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C


    Moustache meaning in Hindi : मूँछ

  • 61. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Nonegenarian
    2. Nonaegenarian
    3. Nonagenarian
    4. Nonagenarean
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C


    Nonagenarian meaning in Hindi : नब्बे से सौ वर्षीय

  • 62. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Natoriety
    2. Notoreity
    3. Notoriety
    4. Noteriety
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C


    Notoriety meaning in Hindi : बदनामी

  • 63. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Obsoliete
    2. Obsoletie
    3. Obsolete
    4. Obsolite
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C


    Obsolete meaning in Hindi : अप्रचलित