Spelling Test Questions Answers

  • 50. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Laegon
    2. Laegoon
    3. Lagoon
    4. Lagon
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C


    Lagoon meaning in Hindi : समुद्रताल

  • 51. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Lieutenant
    2. Leiutenant
    3. Lieutinant
    4. Lieutenent
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option A

  • 52. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Luxurios
    2. Luxurious
    3. Luxureous
    4. Laxurious
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B

  • 53. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Lescious
    2. Lusceous
    3. Luscious
    4. Lusscious
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C


    Luscious meaning in Hindi : स्वादिष्ट

  • 54. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Maegistrate
    2. Magistrate
    3. Magestrate
    4. Magisttrate
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B

  • 55. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Maleable
    2. Malleablle
    3. Malleable
    4. Mallaeble
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C


    Malleable meaning in Hindi : आघात वर्धनीय

  • 56. Spelling test - find correct spelling :

    1. Manageble
    2. Managable
    3. Managaeble
    4. Manageable
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option D


    Manageable meaning in Hindi : नियंत्रणीय