Spelling Test Questions Answers
43. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Jurisdiction
- Juresdiction
- Jurisdection
- Juriesdiction
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
Jurisdiction meaning in Hindi : न्याय अधिकार
44. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Jubille
- Jubile
- Jubilee
- Jubillee
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
Jubilee meaning in Hindi : जयन्ती
45. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Jeopradous
- Jeopardoes
- Jaopardous
- Jeopardous
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
Jeopardous meaning in Hindi : जोखिम से भरा
46. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Juassive
- Jusive
- Jussive
- Jusseve
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
47. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Kettleful
- Kattleful
- Ketleful
- Kettlefull
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
Kettleful meaning the quantity a kettle will hold.
48. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Knavishlly
- Knavishle
- Knaveshly
- Knavishly
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
Knavishly meaning in Hindi : धूर्ततापूर्वक
49. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Labouratory
- Laboratry
- Labortory
- Laboratory
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D