Spelling Test Questions Answers
78. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Pusilleanimous
- Pusillanimous
- Pusellanimous
- Pusilanimous
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
Pusillanimous meaning in Hindi : डरपोक
79. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Pyrrhonest
- Pyrrhonist
- Pierrhonist
- Pyrhonist
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
80. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Quaerrelled
- Quarrelled
- Quarreled
- Quarelled
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
81. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Questionnaeir
- Questtionnaire
- Questionnaire
- Questionaire
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
Questionnaire meaning in Hindi : प्रश्नावली
82. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Quadrennial
- Quadrenial
- Quadrenneal
- Quaddrennial
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
Quadrennial meaning in Hindi : चतुर्वार्षिक
83. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Quaerimonious
- Querymonious
- Querimonious
- Querimonieous
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
Querimonious means Complaining.
84. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
- Quiescence
- Quiesence
- Queiscence
- Quiesaence
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
Quiescence meaning in Hindi : निष्क्रियता