Question Detail Spelling test - find correct spelling : HerbivorusHerbivorousHervivorousHirbivorous Answer: Option BExplanation:Herbivorous meaning in Hindi : शाकाहारी Similar Questions : 1. Spotting errors in English After the death of their fatherall property was divided equallybetween the two brothers.No Error Answer: Option CExplanation:Correct : After the death of their father all property was divided equally among the two brothers. Replace "between" with "among" in option C 2. Spotting errors in English Rahul cannot be trustedwith secret informationsas he can reveal all for money. Answer: Option BExplanation:Correct : Rahul cannot be trusted with secret information as he can reveal all for money. Replace "informations" with "information" in option B 3. Spelling test - find correct spelling : DanielDanileDaneilDanniel Answer: Option A 4. Spotting Errors in English The prices ofthese booksconsiderably variesin different parts of the error Answer: Option AExplanation:Use 'the price' in place of 'the prices'. 5. Spelling test - find correct spelling : CunvenienceConvenienceConvinienceConvenence Answer: Option BExplanation:Convenience meaning in Hindi सहूलियत Read more from - Spotting Errors Questions Answers