Question Detail Spelling test - find correct spelling : EcclesiastecEcclisiasticEclesiasticEcclesiastic Answer: Option DExplanation:Ecclesiastic meaning in Hindi : पादरी Ad Similar Questions : 1. Spotting Errors in English The CEOoffered me clerk job but I denied error Answer: Option DExplanation:Use-'declined' in place of 'denied'. 2. Spotting Errors in English Since company do not accept cheques you will have to buy a draft so that to payfor your services. no error Answer: Option CExplanation:Use 'To pay' in place of 'so that to pay'. 3. Spotting Errors in English Neither the Principalnor Teacher were informedof the cancellation. no error Answer: Option CExplanation:Use 'Was' in place of ' were'. 4. Spotting errors in English He instructed meto come on time for interviewotherwise they may not permit me to give interview when I come late. Answer: Option DExplanation:Correct : He instructed me to come on time for interview otherwise they may not permit me to give interview if I come late. Replace "when" with "if" in option D 5. Spotting Errors in English Abhimanyu is planning to settle in Canadaas soon as he will retire in april next error Answer: Option DExplanation:use 'he retires' in place of 'he will retire'. Read more from - Spotting Errors Questions Answers