Question Detail SLIP stands for ? Serial Line Internet ProcessingSerial Line Internet ProtocolSerial Line ProtocolNone of above Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Word length of a home computer is ? 4 bits8 bits16 bits24 bits Answer: Option B 2. What is motherboard ? Scanner and other things are part of motherboardKeyboard otherwise known as motherboardA circuit board which connects all the elementsIt is a type of file server Answer: Option C 3. Who invented Linux operating system ? Deniss RitcheLinus TorvaldsSteve JobsMadam Curie Answer: Option B 4. Set of instructions which instructs computer to perform certain task is called ? DebuggerAssemblerProgramFlowchart Answer: Option C 5. WWW stands for ? Web World WideWhole World WebWhole Wide WebWorld Wide Web Answer: Option D Read more from - Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 2