Question Detail Slide sorter can be accessed from which menu ? InsertFileEditView Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. You can start power point application with Goint to Start -> Programs -> All Programs -> Microsoft PowerPointGoing to Start -> Run -> type "powerpnt" and press entertype ppoint.exe in run and press enterAll of above Answer: Option B 2. Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transition effects for all slides in a presentation ? Slide viewNotes page viewSlide sorter viewOutline view Answer: Option C 3. In Powerpoint the arrangement of elements such as Title and subtitle text, pictures, tables etc. is known as ? LayoutDesignPresentationScheme Answer: Option A 4. Slide sorter can be accessed from which menu ? InsertFileEditView Answer: Option D 5. You can edit an embedded organization chart object by ? Double clicking the organization chart objectClicking edit objectRight clicking the chart object, then clicking edit MS-Organizaiton Chart objectA and C both Answer: Option D Read more from - MS Powerpoint Questions Answers