Question Detail Shivu is singing a song. A song has been being sung by Shivu.A song is sung by Shivu.A song has being sung by Shivu.A song is being sung by Shivu. Answer: Option D Ad Similar Questions : 1. Sunder will have closed the door. The door would have closed by Sunder.The door would have been closed by Sunder.The door will have been closed by Sunder.The door will have closed by Sunder. Answer: Option C 2. Switch on the cooler. Let cooler be switch on.Switch on the cooler please.Let cooler be switched on.Let the cooler be switched on. Answer: Option D 3. Sit down. You are requested to sit down.You are ordered to site down.You are told to sit down.No change. Answer: Option B 4. His hard work satisfied me. I was satisfied for his hard work.I was satisfied by his hard work.I was satisfied with his hard work.I was satisfied at his hard work. Answer: Option CExplanation:Note: We use "with" preposition with word "satisfied" 5. Darjeeling grows tea. Tea is grown in Darjeeling.Tea grows in Darjeeling.Tea is being grown in Darjeeling.Let the tea be grown in Darjeeling. Answer: Option A Read more from - Change Of Voice Questions Answers