Question Detail Secondary index can be related with Function dependencyB treeDomain calculusRelational algebric operators Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. Which among following contains a complete record of all activity that affected the contents of a database during a creation period of time report writerquery languageDMLtransaction log Answer: Option D 2. The distinguishable parts of a record are called files datafieldsformats Answer: Option C 3. Modify operation is likely to be done after DeleteLookupIndexingInsertion Answer: Option B 4. Data dictionary is a special file that contains the names of all fields in all filesthe data types of all fields of all filesBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option B 5. Ascending order of data hierarchy is bit->byte->record->field->file->databasebit->byte->field->record->file->databasebyte->bit->field->record->file->databasebyte->bit->field->file->record->database Answer: Option B Read more from - Database Question Answers - Chapter 1