Question Detail Sahil did not know the way and I did not neither. and either did Iand neither have Iand either did haveand neither did Ino error Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Sahil, who studies history at present, hopes to go banglore after PhD. is studyingwill studystudiedNo correction Answer: Option A 2. Rahul is having a lot of coins. has a lot ofhas lot ofhas lots ofNo correction Answer: Option A 3. Please try to remember when I, you and my wife were talking there. you, I and my wifeI, my wife and youyou, my wife and INo correction. Answer: Option C 4. The teacher asked the intruderwho was he and why was he occupying his chair. who he was and why he waswho he was and why was hedid he return home thanNo improvement Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in CBI Exam) 5. Though he was a hero for me, he acted a coward. with cowardiceas cowardcowardlyas like a cowardno error Answer: Option C Read more from - Sentence Correction