Question Detail Rohan is tallest of all the boys. the tallertallerthe tallesta tallerno error Answer: Option C Ad Similar Questions : 1. He suggested that, we should be bound by a code of conduct, isn't it ? Shouldn't weis itaren't weNone of above Answer: Option A 2. Never has the inadequacy of police been in clearer focus than in the communal violence that flared up recently. higherstrongerbettersharperno error Answer: Option DExplanation:(Asked in Translators Exam.) 3. The rules of this game require that one made only three moves at a particular time. makemakeswill makeno error Answer: Option B 4. One of the men gave first aid to Hitesh who is injured in road accident. who had injuredwho was injuredwhich was injuredas he was to injureNo correction required Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in Bank PO Exam) 5. The train left before I reached the station. will have left beforehad left beforeleaves beforeNo correction Answer: Option B Read more from - Sentence Correction