Question Detail Rockies mountain is in which continent ? AsiaAfricaNorth AmericaSouth America Answer: Option C Ad Similar Questions : 1. Thickness of Mantle Layer is about ? 2900 Km3100 Km3300 Km3500 Km Answer: Option AExplanation:Mantel Layer is below the Crust layer of earth. 2. "Oder Neisse Line" is boundary between ? India and PakistanGermany and PolandFrance and GermanyUSA and Canada Answer: Option BExplanation:India and Pakistan have boundary named Radcliffe Line, Germany and Poland have boundary named "Hindenberg Line", USA and Canada have boundary named 49th Parallel. Note : India and China have boundary named Mac Mahon Line. 3. Which are the main gases present in Sun ? Hydrogen and HeliumHydrogen and ArgonArgon and HeliumHydrogen and Carbon Diaoxide Answer: Option AExplanation:Sun is composed of 75 % of hydrogen and 26.5 % of Helium. 4. The oldest oil refinery in India is at ? HaldiaKoyaliDigboiNoonmati Answer: Option CExplanation:The oldest oil refinery in India is at Digboi in Assam. 5. Sahara desert is in which Continent ? AsiaAfricaAustraliaEurope Answer: Option BExplanation:Deserts of Asia are : Arabian desert, Thar Desert, Gobi Desert. Read more from - Geography Questions Answers