Question Detail


  • A place where no water is there.
  • A place where we store goods.
  • A place where water is collected and stored.
  • A cold place to store grains.
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1. Apiary

  • where bees are kept.
  • where dogs are kept.
  • where cats are kept.
  • where rabbits are kept.

2. Stable

  • A house of shelter for hen.
  • A house of shelter for dog.
  • A house of shelter for cow.
  • A house of shelter for horse.

3. Kennel

  • Shelter for elephant.
  • Shelter for hen.
  • Shelter for dog.
  • Shelter for lion.

4. Mint

  • a place where beverages are made.
  • a place to display things.
  • a place where garments are made.
  • a place where money is coined.

5. Menagerie

  • a place where animals are treated.
  • a place for wild animals and birds.
  • a place for animals which is not appropriate for wild animals and birds.
  • none of above.
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