Question Detail rand() function returns float valueinteger valueany typenone of above Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. What will be the output of following program #include main() { int x,y = 10; x = y * NULL; printf(\"%d\",x); } error010Garbage value Answer: Option B 2. Size of void pointer is 1 byte2 byte4 byte8 byte Answer: Option B 3. printf() belongs to which library of c stdlib.hstdio.hstdout.hstdoutput.h Answer: Option B 4. What among following is true about stack stack cannot reuse its memoryall elements are of different datatypesall operation done at one endnone of above Answer: Option C 5. The compiler in C ignores all text till the end of line using ///*/none of above Answer: Option A Read more from - C Programming Questions Answers - Chapter 1