Question Detail Rahul has very good command on Urdu. command ofcommand atcommand forNo correction Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. You are requested to take out your shoes before entering. take offtake onput offNo correction Answer: Option A 2. The opposite man was not looking honest. The opposed manThe man oppositeThe man opposite toNo correction Answer: Option B 3. This form will give you information that you need. you the informationyou an informationinformationNo correction Answer: Option A 4. She want to see the serial as it is being directed by her favorite director. had been directed by had directed bywas directed byNo correction Answer: Option A 5. I love my sister so well that I wish she should overlive me. may overlive meought to overlive memight overlive metry to overlive meno error Answer: Option E Read more from - Sentence Correction