Question Detail Problem of thrashing is affected significantly by program structureprogram sizeprimary storage sizeall of above Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. To avoid the race condition, the number of processes that may be simultaneously inside the critical section is 12310 Answer: Option C 2. A hardware device which is capable of executing a sequence of instructions, is known as CPUALUCUProcessor Answer: Option D 3. Reference bit is used for Implementing LRU page replacement algorithmImplementing NRU algorithmTo check the page table entry in the cache memorynone of above Answer: Option B 4. Multiprogramming systems Are easier to develop than single programming systems Execute each job fasterExecute more jobs in the same time Are used only on large main frame computers Answer: Option C 5. A high paging rate may cause a high I/O ratekeeps the system running wellis a symptom of too much processor activityalways creates a slow system Answer: Option A Read more from - Operating System Questions Answers - Chapter 1