Question Detail printf() belongs to which library of c stdlib.hstdio.hstdout.hstdoutput.h Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. The compiler in C ignores all text till the end of line using ///*/none of above Answer: Option A 2. Difference between structure and union is We can define functions within structures but not within a unionWe can define functions within union but not within a structureThe way memory is allocatedThere is no difference Answer: Option C 3. Break statement is used for Quit a programQuit the current iterationBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option B 4. Due to variable scope in c Variables created in a function cannot be used another functionVariables created in a function can be used in another functionVariables created in a function can only be used in the main functionNone of above Answer: Option A 5. What is the purpose of getc() read a character from STDINread a character from a fileread all fileread file random Answer: Option B Read more from - C Programming Questions Answers - Chapter 1