Question Detail Posse a group of advocates.a group of policemen.a group of drivers.a group of workmen. Answer: Option BExplanation:Posse meaning in Hindi : टुकड़ी Similar Questions : 1. Cache Collection at a hidden place.Collection at a open place.A type of weapon.A type of instrument. Answer: Option AExplanation:Cache meaning in Hindi : गुप्त भंडार 2. Bevy Collection of stamps.Collection of coins.Envoy of tanks.A large group of people or things of a particular kind. Answer: Option DExplanation:Bevy meaning in Hindi : टोली Bevy example sentence : There I saw bevy of consultants. 3. Brace A pair of pigeons.Collection of makeup.Sort of feeling.None of above. Answer: Option AExplanation:Brace meaning in Hindi : जोड़ा 4. Drove Group of people bathing in a river.A herd or flock of animals being driven in a body.A herd or flock of animals found dead.Group of people learning a skill. Answer: Option BExplanation:Drove meaning in Hindi : झुंड 5. Caucus a group of people taking part in a procession. a group of people making noise.a closed political meeting.a group of people dancing. Answer: Option CExplanation:Caucus meaning in Hindi : बैठक Read more from - One word substitution for groups