Question Detail Poor Tom laid in the shade of a tree before he could walk further. liedlainlayNo improvement Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in NDA Exam) Ad Similar Questions : 1. They have waited for more than 2 hours now. have been waitinghas been waitinghad been waitinghad waited Answer: Option A 2. People are waiting for the train at platform for long. were waitinghave been waitinghas waitinghave waiting Answer: Option B 3. He has done nothing from two days. atthroughsinceNo correction Answer: Option C 4. By temperament the French are reserved, so they prefer to live in solitude. French peopleFrenchsome Frenchno error Answer: Option D 5. 200 Km's are not a great distance by car. has not ais not ahave not aNo correction Answer: Option B Read more from - Sentence Correction