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Physics Questions Answers

  • 1. Which instrument is used to measure altitudes in aircraft's ?

    1. Audiometer
    2. Ammeter
    3. Altimeter
    4. Anemometer
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C


    Ammeter - Measures strength of electric current.

    Audiometer - Measures intensity of sound.

    Anemometer - Measures force and velocity of wind and directions.

  • 2. Which instrument is used to measure depth of ocean ?

    1. Galvanometer
    2. Fluxmeter
    3. Endoscope
    4. Fathometer
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option D


    Galvanometer - measures electric current,
    Fluxmeter - measures magnetic flux,
    Endoscope - used to examine internal parts of the body.

  • 3. Name of the instrument to measure atomspheric pressure ?

    1. Barometer
    2. Barograph
    3. Bolometer
    4. Callipers
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option A


    Barograph - Recordings of atmospheric pressure,
    Bolometer - Used to measure heat radiation,
    Callipers - Used to measure inner and outer diameters of bodies.

  • 4. Which instrument is used to measure the power of electric circuit ?

    1. Voltmeter
    2. Wattmeter
    3. Wavemeter
    4. Viscometer
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B


    Voltmeter - is used to measure electric potential difference between two points,
    Wavemeter - is used to measure the wavelength of a radiowave,
    Viscometer - is used measure viscosity of liquid.

  • 5. Which instrument is used in submarine to see the objects above sea level ?

    1. Pykometer
    2. Polygraph
    3. Photometer
    4. Periscope
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option D


    Pykometer - used to determine the density and coefficient of expansion of liquids,

    Polygraph - used to record changes in heartbeat, blood-pressure and respiration,

    Photometer - used to compare luminous intensity of the source of light.

  • 6. Which instrument is used to measure curvature of spherical objects ?

    1. Spectroscope
    2. Spherometer
    3. Spectrometer
    4. Sextant
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B


    Spectroscope - used to record spectra,

    Spectrometer - used to measure the position of spectral lines,

    Sextant - used to measure the height of very distant objects and also used by navigators to find the latitude. what you thought :)

  • 7. Which instrument is used to record physical happenings at a distant place ?

    1. Thermostat
    2. Tonometer
    3. Telemeter
    4. Transponder
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C


    Thermostat - is used to regulate the temperature at a particular point.

    Tonometer - is used to measure the pitch of a sound,

    Transponder - is used to receive a signal and transmit a reply immediately.

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  • Gaurav kumar 6 years ago

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