Question Detail Ozone is present in which of the following layers ? MesosphereStratosphereMesosphereThermosphere Answer: Option B Ad Similar Questions : 1. Which are the main gases present in Sun ? Hydrogen and HeliumHydrogen and ArgonArgon and HeliumHydrogen and Carbon Diaoxide Answer: Option AExplanation:Sun is composed of 75 % of hydrogen and 26.5 % of Helium. 2. Great Dividing Range mountain is in ? AsiaAtlanticaEuropeAustralia Answer: Option D 3. Which is the longest continental mountain range in the world ? The AndesThe AlpsThe RockiesThe Himalayas Answer: Option AExplanation:The Andes is the longest continental mountain range in the world. It is a continual range of highlands along the western coast of South America. 4. Which National highway joins Delhi to Lucknow ? NH 22NH 24NH 47NH 48 Answer: Option B 5. Two points diametrically opposite on the surface of earth are called ? AnticlineApogeeAeolianAntipodes Answer: Option D Read more from - Geography Questions Answers