One word substitution for groups
1. Anthology
- A published collection of poems.
- An unpublished article.
- A secret message.
- A file meant for official work.
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
Anthology meaning in Hindi : साहित्यिक-संग्रह
Anthology example sentence :
This is very interesting anthology of motivational poems. -
2. Battery
- A group of official documents.
- A group of secret agents.
- A group of heavy guns.
- A bunch of clothes.
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
Battery meaning in Hindi : तोपखाना
3. Bale
- A group of fishes.
- A bundle of paper, cotton etc tightly wrapped.
- A container.
- None of above.
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
Bale meaning in Hindi : गठरी
Bale example sentence :
Most of baling has been finished. -
4. Bevy
- Collection of stamps.
- Collection of coins.
- Envoy of tanks.
- A large group of people or things of a particular kind.
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
Bevy meaning in Hindi : टोली
Bevy example sentence :
There I saw bevy of consultants. -
5. Bouquet
- A collection of goods.
- An arranged bunch of flowers.
- A bunch of corns.
- A bunch of birds.
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
Bouquet meaning in Hindi : गुलदस्ता
Bouquet example sentence :
He was gifted with bouquet of lilies of the valley. -
6. Brood
- A collection of notebooks.
- A family of young animals.
- A family of old animals.
- A family of young and old animals.
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
Brood meaning in Hindi : बच्चे, अंड समूह
Brood example sentence :
She was so excited after watching brood of chicks. -
7. Brace
- A pair of pigeons.
- Collection of makeup.
- Sort of feeling.
- None of above.
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
Brace meaning in Hindi : जोड़ा