Question Detail On the day of the match, we were hoping about rainy weather. foratofNo improvement Answer: Option C Ad Similar Questions : 1. Netaji was by a far a great man of India. a very great manthe greatest mantoo great manNo Correction Answer: Option B 2. He sent a word to me that he would be coming late. sent wordsent few wordssent wordssents a word Answer: Option A 3. Hardly does the sun rise when the stars disappeared. have the sun rosehad the sun risendid the sun rosethe sun roseNo correction required Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in BSRB Exam, Patna) 4. Rahul has very good command on Urdu. command ofcommand atcommand forNo correction Answer: Option A 5. Can this tool be adopted in factory work. byintotoforno error Answer: Option D Read more from - Sentence Correction