Question Detail Oil of vitriol is nitric acidsulphuric acidhydrochloric acidphosphoric acid Answer: Option B Ad Similar Questions : 1. The Chemical Symbol of Sodium is SoSdNaNu Answer: Option C 2. The isotope atoms differ in ? number of neutronsatomic numbernumber of electronsatomic weight Answer: Option AExplanation:Important to note that isotope atoms have same atomic number. 3. Who is regarded as father of modern chemistry ? RuterfordEinsteinLavoisierC.V. Raman Answer: Option C 4. The metal that is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of oils is ? PbNi Cu Pt Answer: Option B 5. Conduction band electrons have more mobility than holes because they are experience collision more frequentlyexperience collision less frequentlyhave negative chargeneed less energy to move them Answer: Option B Read more from - Chemistry Questions Answers