Question Detail In a slide layout, which of the following section does not exist ? Animation SectionLists SectionTitles SectionChart Section Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. How we can replace a font on all slides with another font in Powerpoint ? Tools -> FontsEdit -> FontsFormat -> Replace FontsTools -> Replace Fonts Answer: Option C 2. The spelling dialog box can be involved by choosing spelling from ____ menu. insertfileviewtools Answer: Option D 3. Slide sorter can be accessed from which menu ? InsertFileEditView Answer: Option D 4. A File which contains readymade styles that can be used for a presentation is called __ ? AutoStyleWizardTemplatePre formatting Answer: Option C 5. To edit a chart, we can Double click the chart objectClick and drag the chart objectTriple click the chart objectClick the chart object Answer: Option A Read more from - MS Powerpoint Questions Answers