Question Detail Network structure is a physical representation of datais conceptually simpleallows many to many relationshipsnone of above Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Which among following is an approach for standardizing storing of data MISStructured programmingCODASYL specificationsNone of above Answer: Option C 2. Network structure is a physical representation of datais conceptually simpleallows many to many relationshipsnone of above Answer: Option C 3. Natural join can be related with Function dependencyB treeDomain calculusRelational algebric operators Answer: Option D 4. If a relation scheme is in BSNF then it is also in First normal formSecond normal formThird normal formNot in any normal form Answer: Option C 5. Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database design 2NF5NF3NF4NF Answer: Option C Read more from - Database Question Answers - Chapter 1