Question Detail Neetu friends are waiting for her since morning. have been waitingwere waitingwaitNo correction Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. Subrato lives in his old home since August 2001. is livinghas been livinghas livedcontinues to liveno error Answer: Option B 2. There are not many men who are so famous that they are frequently referred to by their "short names" only picturesmiddle names initialssignatures Answer: Option C 3. Sheela told her teacher to explain the chapter once again. ordered her teacherinvited her teacherasked her teachersaid to her teacher Answer: Option C 4. I am not in the good books of my teachers. in the better bookin the good bookin the best bookinto the good booksno error Answer: Option A 5. On basis this information the Deputy Collector took strong action. on basis ofon the basison the basis ofNo improvement Answer: Option CExplanation:(Asked in NDA Exam) Read more from - Sentence Correction