Question Detail Natural rubber is a polymer derived from ? ethylenepropyleneisoprenebutadiene Answer: Option C Ad Similar Questions : 1. Atomic number of an element gives the number of nucleons in its atomthe number of electrons in its atomthe weight of the atom of the elementthe total number of elementary particles in its atom Answer: Option B 2. Due to rusting the weight of iron DecreasesIncreasesRemains the sameUncertain Answer: Option B 3. The ejection of electrons when a metal surface is irradiated is known as Black body radiationPhotoelectric effectZeeman effectAtomic spectrum Answer: Option B 4. Which is not a type of elements ? MetalsNon MetalsMetalloidsGases Answer: Option D 5. What among following is used to produce artificial rain ? copper oxidecarbon monoxidesilver iodidesilver nitrate Answer: Option C Read more from - Chemistry Questions Answers