Question Detail Nail polish remover contains ? benzeneacetic acidacetonepetroleum ether Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. What is hottest part of the gas flame is called ? blue zoneluminous zonedark zonenon-luminous zone Answer: Option D 2. Which is used in preparation of dynamite ? glycerolethyl alcoholmethyl alcoholglycol Answer: Option A 3. The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is ? NaAgHgFe Answer: Option D 4. The metal that is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of oils is ? PbNi Cu Pt Answer: Option B 5. The isotope atoms differ in ? number of neutronsatomic numbernumber of electronsatomic weight Answer: Option AExplanation:Important to note that isotope atoms have same atomic number. Read more from - Chemistry Questions Answers