Question Detail My mother is cooking food. Food is being cooked by my mother.Food has been cooked by my mother.Food was being cooked by my mother.Food is being cook by my mother. Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. His hard work satisfied me. I was satisfied for his hard work.I was satisfied by his hard work.I was satisfied with his hard work.I was satisfied at his hard work. Answer: Option CExplanation:Note: We use "with" preposition with word "satisfied" 2. The police will have caught the culprit. The culprit will have caught by the police.The culprit have been caught by the police.The culprit will have been caught by the police.The culprit would have been caught by the police. Answer: Option CExplanation:Note :- Rule to make active voice of Future Perfect Tense : Passive subject + will/shall + have + been + third form of verb + by + passive object 3. You see that birds. That bird are seen by you.That bird is seen by you.That bird was seen by you.That bird is seen you.That birds is seen by you. Answer: Option B 4. We crowned him leader. He had crowned leader.He crown leader.He was crowned leader.He crowned leader. Answer: Option C 5. Bring the bottle of juice. Let a bottle of juice be brought.Let bottle of juice be brought.Let a bottle of juice brought.Let a bottle of juice be bring. Answer: Option A Read more from - Change Of Voice Questions Answers