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MS Excel Questions Answers

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  • vasant 6 years ago

    i want combine different data from different excel wokrsheet1, sheet2, sheet3 in one worksheet.

  • Alhassan Yahya 6 years ago

    I would love to have more of the excel questions

  • Sangeetha Reddy Pasham 8 years ago

    I want to know the count in E23 of "Fn Worker" mentioned from cell ref
    E3:E17 in each unique department mentioned in A23

  • Sangeetha Reddy Pasham 8 years ago

  • Love Preet 8 years ago

    Sir mera Punjab police operator constable ka exam hai pls give me any suggestion sir pls..

  • SHAMMI THAKUR 8 years ago

    chutiya site h bc

  • Byte Sisas 8 years ago

    Very helpful questions you have shared. Thanks for sharing.
    IAS Bytes - IAS in One Attempt

  • Krystle Burnside3 8 years ago

    Good post ! I learned a lot from the facts , Does someone know where my company could possibly get access to a fillable CA PLD-C-010 document to use ?

  • Anil Kumar Pal 8 years ago

    i want to know about excel, how can we use IF formula to use this thing if right "Topup" in A column then "1" should be autamatically enter in "B" column and if if right "Extratalktime" in same A column then "2" should be reflect their.

    kindly help me with this so that i can do my work easily. and save my time.

  • Manish Agrawal 8 years ago

    hello mastguru
    I want to create website plz help me
    how to support back end support for this type of website

  • **MILKY** 9 years ago

    very nice questions :) ......thank u :)

  • Debaleena 9 years ago

    Very good Website. Helps me a lot to prepare well for my computer exam.Thanks!

  • samrat naskar 9 years ago

    thanks a lot sir for providing these ms-office mcq.

  • eedge tech 9 years ago

    I WANT SOMETHING THAT i dont even know what it called. I want that whenever i type some value in one tab a text will appeare in another tab. like if i type 123 in "A2" a text like "Hellow" will be apare in "B3" vice versa. like a pointer in C .

  • ajay kumar bharti 9 years ago


  • Scott Alyssa 9 years ago

    Is it possible to change the Default print settings on excel?
    It automatically sets it as "Print Double Sided" but I want the default to be "Print One Sided" ??????

  • Mushtaq Shaikh 9 years ago

    send the file please

  • Ajay Kumar Tiwari 9 years ago

    Awesome exercise,
    Many thanks!

  • Surya 9 years ago


    mastguru 9 years ago replied

    Welcome Surya !

    mastguru 9 years ago replied

    Welcome Ajay !

    mastguru 9 years ago replied

    Hi Sanjana.. we have tried to get all basic concepts and give a fair idea. But we will suggest you to use ms office on your computer or laptop to be more aware about it. All the Best !

  • Joseph 9 years ago

    I have a question. When I enter time in decimal format in a cell I want that automatically converted into hh:mm format. Example if I type 0.75 in cell A2 I want it to automatically change to 00:45 in A2 itself.

  • Sachit Sharma 9 years ago

    Write a macro to calculate total tax given to government

  • Clyde T. Salyer 9 years ago

    If you have a formula, such as =sum(C6*E5) and you want to copy and paste that formula down that column, but you want the E5 to remain E5 and not change to E6, E7 and so on, but allow the C6 to change, how do you accomplish this?

    Mukesh jangir 9 years ago replied

    Put $ between E5 i.e E$5 THEN DRAG IT

  • mc lenny 10 years ago

    How to find the position?

    goodluck pallangyo 10 years ago replied


  • Kyle 10 years ago

    I want to create a Pie chart that shows my progress for a given project. There are 12 tabs open that list different project topics and each project has multiple tasks that must be completed. I want to create a check box for each requirement in all 12 tabs that form the total for my pie chart on the project home page. There has to be a formula to do this.


  • Alex 10 years ago

    Excel formula that makes the most of a column but instead of showing the result of the same name that shows another column someone could tell me how does the formula have finished describing?