Question Detail Microsoft office is type of ? System softwareApplication softwareUtility SoftwareFirmware Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. What is full form of GUI in terms of computers ? Graphical user InstrumentGraphical unified InterfaceGraphical unified InstrumentGraphical user Interface Answer: Option D 2. What is full form of TIFF ? The Image File FormatTagged Image File FormatTagged Image File FrontThe Image Fax Format Answer: Option B 3. From the following which is known as the administrative section of the computer system ? Control UnitInput UnitRAMCentral Processing Unit Answer: Option D 4. In banking, railways etc which computers are used ? Mini ComputersMicro ComputersMain FramesSuper Computers Answer: Option C 5. What is the name of a device that converts digital signals to analog signals RouterSwitchModemNone of above Answer: Option C Read more from - Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 1