Question Detail Loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called InterruptionPropagationScatteringAttenuation Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Choose odd one bus hubsenterprise hubslow-end standalone hubsstackable hubs Answer: Option A 2. Which performs modulation and demodulation ModemFiber opticsatellitecoaxial cable Answer: Option A 3. What is public IP address ? Leased from an ISP that allows or enables direct Internet communicationUsed to coneect with interal LAN infraIP which is used only on server where we host websitesNone of above Answer: Option A 4. In data transmission the bit coding scheme used to represent a byte is typically EBCDICSNAASCIIHexadecimal Answer: Option C 5. Sink means sending unitreceiving unitbroadcastingnone of above Answer: Option B Read more from - Networking Basics Questions Answers