Question Detail LCM of two numbers is 7700 and HCF is 11. If one number is 308 then other number is 269285300275 Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Reduce \begin{aligned} \frac{368}{575} \end{aligned} to the lowest terms. \begin{aligned} \frac{30}{25} \end{aligned}\begin{aligned} \frac{28}{29} \end{aligned}\begin{aligned} \frac{28}{29} \end{aligned}\begin{aligned} \frac{16}{25} \end{aligned} Answer: Option DExplanation:We can do it easily by in two steps Step1: We get the HCF of 368 and 575 which is 23 Step2: Divide both by 23, we will get the answer 16/25 2. Find the greatest number that will divide 400, 435 and 541 leaving 9, 10 and 14 as remainders respectively 1917139 Answer: Option BExplanation:Answer will be HCF of (400-9, 435-10, 541-14) HCF of (391, 425, 527) = 17 3. Find the largest number of four digits which is exactly divisible by 27,18,12,15 9700971097209730 Answer: Option CExplanation:LCM of 27-18-12-15 is 540. After dividing 9999 by 540 we get 279 remainder. So answer will be 9999-279 = 9720 4. Find the greatest number which on dividing 1661 and 2045, leaves a reminder of 10 and 13 respectively 125127129131 Answer: Option BExplanation:In this type of question, its obvious we need to calculate the HCF, trick is HCF of (1661 - 10) and (2045 -13) = HCF (1651, 2032) = 127 5. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at the intervals of 2,4,6,8,10,12 seconds resp. In 60 minutes how many times they will toll together. 15163031 Answer: Option DExplanation:LCM of 2-4-6-8-10-12 is 120 seconds, that is 2 minutes. Now 60/2 = 30 Adding one bell at the starting it will 30+1 = 31 Read more from - HCF and LCM Questions Answers