Question Detail Kennel Shelter for elephant.Shelter for hen.Shelter for dog.Shelter for lion. Answer: Option CExplanation:Kennel meaning in Hindi : कुत्ता घर Similar Questions : 1. Creche where children are cared.where old people are cared.where flowers are cared.where bees are cared. Answer: Option AExplanation:Creche meaning in Hindi : शिशु सदन 2. Stable A house of shelter for hen.A house of shelter for dog.A house of shelter for cow.A house of shelter for horse. Answer: Option DExplanation:Stable meaning in Hindi : तबेला 3. Hutch a cage for parrot.a cage for rabbits.a cage for tiger.a cage for lion. Answer: Option BExplanation:Hutch meaning in Hindi : खरगोश का पिंजरा 4. Tannery A place where products are displayed.A place where players practise.A place where leather is tanned.A place where music is composed. Answer: Option CExplanation:Tannery meaning in Hindi : चमड़ा बनाने का कारखाना 5. Aviary place where birds are where animals are where children are for old people. Answer: Option AExplanation:Aviary meaning in Hindi : पक्षीशाला Read more from - One word substitution for places