Question Detail


  • Shelter for elephant.
  • Shelter for hen.
  • Shelter for dog.
  • Shelter for lion.
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  • a place where monks and priests do not like to go.
  • a place where monks and priests are prohibted.
  • a place where monks and priests do meetings.
  • a residence for monks and priests.

2. Scullery

  • A place where food is served.
  • A place for washing dishes.
  • A place for keeping dishes.
  • A place where food is made.

3. Apiary

  • where bees are kept.
  • where dogs are kept.
  • where cats are kept.
  • where rabbits are kept.

4. Tannery

  • A place where products are displayed.
  • A place where players practise.
  • A place where leather is tanned.
  • A place where music is composed.

5. Orchard

  • land planted with grains.
  • land planted with fruit trees.
  • land planted with wild trees.
  • land which which we can not utilize for farming.
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