Java Objective Questions Answers -Chapter 1
15. Which statement is static and synchronized in JDBC API
- executeQuery()
- executeUpdate()
- getConnection()
- prepareCall()
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
16. The JDBC-ODBC bridge is
- Multithreaded
- Singlethreaded
- Both of above
- None of above
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
17. All raw data types should be read and uploaded to the database as an array of
- int
- char
- bollean
- byte
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
18. The class java.sql.Timestamp is associated with
- java.util.Time
- java.sql.Time
- java.util.Date
- None of above
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
19. Which of the following statements about arrays is syntactically wrong
- arrayName[] p = new arrayName[5];
- arrayName p[5];
- arrayName[] p [];
- arrayName p[][] = new arrayName[2][];
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
20. The Externizable interface extends the serializable interface
- True
- False
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
21. Converting a primitive type data into its corresponding wrapper class object instance is called
- boxing
- wrapping
- instantiation
- autoboxing
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D