Question Detail It is enough fatal to a animal as to a human being. too fatalas fatalso fatalfatal Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. Karan has been ill for a week when her parents arrived for a visit. have been illmight be illhad been illNo correction Answer: Option C 2. They have stopped from constructing new buildings. to constructat constructingconstructingNo improvement Answer: Option CExplanation:(Asked in Asstt. Grade) 3. He has been caught in a rat race. for rat racerat racethe cat raceNo correction Answer: Option C 4. Why we think that people belonging to few castes are superior to others. many castessome casteshigh castesNo correction Answer: Option B 5. It was quite clear that the runner could be able to improve upon his own record. will be ableshould be ablewould be ableNo improvement Answer: Option DExplanation:(Asked in NDA Exam) Read more from - Sentence Correction