Question Detail It is better to say very little than too much. littlesonly littlesmall littlelittle Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. None of the guests were introduced to the bride. introducedwas introducedhave been introducedNo improvement Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in IES Exam) 2. I sat down in my easy chair to read the book I won as a prize. I has won as a prizeI had won as a prizeI have won as a prizeNo correction. Answer: Option B 3. I shall not go untill I am invited. unless I amtill I amonce I amif not I am Answer: Option A 4. When the Chief Minister said this,we know whom she was eluding to. hintingalludingreferringsuggestingno error Answer: Option C 5. Rohan is tallest of all the boys. the tallertallerthe tallesta tallerno error Answer: Option C Read more from - Sentence Correction