Question Detail It is better to say very little than too much. littlesonly littlesmall littlelittle Answer: Option D Ad Similar Questions : 1. While walking across the river a car knocked him down. he was knocked down by a cara car knocked himhe was by a car knockedNo improvement Answer: Option A 2. The matter must be considered in every point of view. withfromatNo improvement Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in UDC Exam) 3. This form will give you information that you need. you the informationyou an informationinformationNo correction Answer: Option A 4. He always get punishment for playing swords with his classmates. clashing swordsdrawing swordscrossing swordsNo correction Answer: Option C 5. Is there anyplace for me to sit? spaceroomareaNo improvement Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in CBI Exam) Read more from - Sentence Correction