Question Detail In summer, days are more warmer than nights. warmerwarmestmore warmNo correction Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. Hardly had she entered the staff room then all teachers stood up. thanwhenbefore since no error Answer: Option B 2. We decided to quickly leave the house. quickly to leave the housequickly leave houseleave quickly the houseleave the house quicklyno error Answer: Option D 3. This car is belonging to me for two years. belongshas belongedhas been belongingNo correction Answer: Option B 4. The chemist hadn't hardly any of those kind of medicines. had hardly any of those kindshad hardly not any of those kindshad scarcely any of those kindhad hardly any of those kindNo corrections required Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in Bank PO Exam, Hyderabad) 5. Sahil, who studies history at present, hopes to go banglore after PhD. is studyingwill studystudiedNo correction Answer: Option A Read more from - Sentence Correction