Other important one word substitution questions
1. One who studies the pattern of voting in election
- Anthropologist
- Cartographer
- Laxicographer
- Psephologist
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
Psephologist meaning in Hindi : चुनाव विश्लेषक
Anthropologist means One who studies the evolution of mankind (मानवविज्ञानी).
Cartographer means One who draws maps (मानचित्रकार).
Laxicographer means One who complies a dictionary (कोश-लेखक).
2. Absence of the government
- Anarchy
- Aristocracy
- Autocracy
- Autonomy
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
Anarchy meaning in Hindi : अराजकता.
Aristocracy means Government by the nobles (अभिजात-वर्ग).
Autocracy means Government by one person (तानाशाही).
Autonomy means The right of self-government (स्वशासन). -
3. Government run by officials is called :
- Democracy
- Bureaucracy
- Gerontocracy
- Kekistocracy
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
Bureaucracy means नौकरशाही.
Democracy means Government by the People (प्रजातंत्र).
Gerontocracy means Government by old men.
Kekistocracy means Government run by worst citizen.
4. Government by inexperienced persons is called :
- Panarchy
- Oligarchy
- Neocracy
- Ochlocracy
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
Neocracy means नवीन लोगो का राज्य.
Panarchy means Government run universally.
Oligarchy means Government by few persons (अल्पतंत्र).
Ochlocracy Government by mob. -
5. Government by the rich is called :
- Theocracy
- Thearchy
- Monarchy
- Plutocracy
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
Plutocracy means धनिक तन्त्र.
Theocracy means Government by the laws of religion (धर्मतन्त्र).
Thearchy means Government by the Gods.
Monarchy means Government by the King/Queen (एकतंत्र).
6. Murder of one's children is called :
- Foeticide
- Fillicide
- Fratricide
- Homicide
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
Foeticide means murder of a foetus.
Fratricide means murder of one's brother.
Homicide means murder of a man/woman. -
7. Murder of king or queen is called :
- Matricide
- Parricide
- Regicide
- Uxoricide
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
Matricide means murder of one's mother.
Parricide means murder of one's parents.
Uxoricide means murder of one's wife.