Question Detail I have given him a perfume. A perfume have been given to him by me.A perfume has been given to him by me.A perfume had been given to him by me.A perfume was given to him by me. Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. It is time to prepare for the game trails. It is time to prepared for the game trails.It is time to be prepared for the game trails.It is time for the game trails to prepared.It is time for the game trails to be prepared. Answer: Option D 2. The farmer was ploughing the fields. The fields was being ploughed by the farmer.The fields were being ploughed by the farmer.The fields were ploughed by the farmer.The fields were being ploughed by farmer. Answer: Option B 3. I must help him. He must helped by me.I must held him.He must get help from me.He must be helped by me. Answer: Option DExplanation:If we have "Subject + Modal Auxiliary verb + first verb + object" then we change it to Passive subject + Modal Auxiliary verb + be + third form + by + passive object. Modal Auxiliary verb are : can, could, shall, will, may, might, should, would, must, ought to etc. 4. Switch on the light. Let the light be switch on.Let the light should be switched on.Let the light will be switched on.Let the light be switched on.Let the light switched on. Answer: Option D 5. Sahil spoke the lie. The lie was spoke by Sahil.The lie spoken by Sahil.Lie was spoken by Sahil.The lie was spoken by Sahil. Answer: Option D Read more from - Change Of Voice Questions Answers