Question Detail I don't know how did the thief made an escape. how the thief madehow the thief does makehow the thief did makeNo correction Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. Ramesh is as tall if not, taller than Mahesh. not as tall butnot so tall but asas if notas tall as, if notNo correction required Answer: Option DExplanation:(Asked in BSRB Exam, Patna) 2. Stop doing wrong things lest you are caught. would be caught will be caught may be caught might be caught no error Answer: Option D 3. You are advised to not to break in your friend house again. break intobreak throughbreak openNo correction Answer: Option A 4. Any able bodies man is eligible for the job. any able -bodied men areeach able-bodied man isany able-bodied men have beenNo improvement Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in NDA Exam) 5. Because of his ill health, the doctor has advised him not to refrain from smoking. to not refrain fromto resort toto refrain fromto be refrained fromNo correction required Answer: Option CExplanation:(Asked in Bank PO Exam, Mumbai) Read more from - Sentence Correction