Question Detail I am sorry, but I don't believe what you say. I will not believeI am not believingI will not be believingNo improvement Answer: Option DExplanation:(Asked in NDA Exam) Similar Questions : 1. We decided to quickly leave the house. quickly to leave the housequickly leave houseleave quickly the houseleave the house quicklyno error Answer: Option D 2. They have stopped from constructing new buildings. to constructat constructingconstructingNo improvement Answer: Option CExplanation:(Asked in Asstt. Grade) 3. The members of his family are coming in this train. withbyonNo improvement Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in Railways Exam) 4. Karan has been ill for a week when her parents arrived for a visit. have been illmight be illhad been illNo correction Answer: Option C 5. Nishu has studied English since two years. since two years agofrom two years agofrom two yearsfor two yearsno error Answer: Option D Read more from - Sentence Correction