Question Detail Hutch a cage for parrot.a cage for rabbits.a cage for tiger.a cage for lion. Answer: Option BExplanation:Hutch meaning in Hindi : खरगोश का पिंजरा Similar Questions : 1. Kennel Shelter for elephant.Shelter for hen.Shelter for dog.Shelter for lion. Answer: Option CExplanation:Kennel meaning in Hindi : कुत्ता घर 2. Granary where treasures are kept.where woods are kept.where clothes are kept.where grains are kept. Answer: Option DExplanation:Granary meaning in Hindi : अन्न-भंडार 3. Sheath A special weapon.A dress of army used in a war.Cover of sword.Cloth for covering wound. Answer: Option CExplanation:Sheath meaning in Hindi : म्यान 4. Drey the place place to hide near water.the place where animals live.the nest of a sparrow.the nest of a squirrel. Answer: Option D 5. Dormitory inner part of the city.outskirts of a city. sleeping rooms in an institution.exercise rooms in an institution. Answer: Option CExplanation:Dormitory meaning in Hindi : शयनगृह Read more from - One word substitution for places